

The Path of Sannyasi and Grihastha Yogi 22.12.2024 The Path of Sannyasi and Grihastha Yogi
Sannyasa in translation means "abandonment" with the prescription of specific vows of the ashram, and sannyasa implies, first of all, a certain level of consciousness.

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Tags: :  sampradaya nathas forum
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

The concept of sacred and living in India 08.09.2022 The concept of sacred and living in India

In classical yoga texts, it is written that: "There are as many forms of living beings as there are yoga asana”. How does this relate to asanas such as the plow pose, the rock pose, etc.? It's not like they are live beings.

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Tags: :  Nathas Guru sampradaya basics worldview
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

Sahaja 22.01.2021 Sahaja
"Sahaja" means "essence", i.e. innate, primordial, higher nature. The practice of sahaja is the awareness of oneself as Shiva-Shakti yamala (union), without any efforts in the form of techniques or willingness to sustaine supporting states, when it is so obvious to you that you are Shiva that you do not need to prove it to yourself. Being in the state of sahaja, you don’t think or plan anything, and at the same time everything always develops in the most ideal way. Read more>>
Tags: :  hatha-yoga sahaja yoga nathas sadhana
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

Navanathas and Chaurasi-siddhas 20.01.2021 Navanathas and Chaurasi-siddhas
Each of the nine Nathas (Navanathas) is a svarupa of one or another Deity, and Nathas worship not just Deities, but their "svarupas" first and then Deities. “Svarupa” is the true form. For example, the body can be considered as a secondary form and the soul as primary form. Spiritual form is svarupa. In the Tradition, Navanathas have two forms: the first is "bhoga-rupa", the second is "yoga-rupa". “Bhoga” are forms such as Ganesha, Vishnu, Chandra, Parvati, Brahma and others, while “yoga” are forms such as Kantharnath, Santoshnath, Chauranginath, Udayanath, etc. Read more>>
Tags: :  nathas sampradaya yoga tantra
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

Traditional apprenticeship. Tips for students 29.12.2020 Traditional apprenticeship. Tips for students
What else is worth mentioning about the path, practice and doctrine of Nathas is that it is extremely secret. And this is not intrigue or advertisement. To make it clear: there is a chance for a few in millions to figure out what Nathas tradition is. Why do I think so? It is known that Gorakshanath was a disciple of Matsyendranath who was kaula-tantric. Kaula-tantrism is a difficult practice and doctrine has traditionally been kept secret. So, Gorakshanath took its essence from his Teacher, that means the highest that was there. The essence can’t be simpler, than that from which it is extracted. Read more>>
Tags: :  yoga sadhana forum Nathas Guru
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

Adharas 02.07.2020 Adharas
"Adhara" means basis or foundation. In yoga esoteric aspects of the body are called adharas. Those are the points of prana transformation and areas for concentration. There are sixteen adharas. Concentration on adharas helps in the awakening of Kundalini, raising it upward, so that in the higher stage of shambhavi-mudra to redirect Kundalini inside, to connect the inner and outer lakshyas and achieve the state of vyoma. Read more>>
Tags: :  sadhana yoga nathas
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

Meaning of Time in Nath tradition 01.07.2020 Meaning of Time in Nath tradition
Time, in Nathas worldview, is the essence of Shakti, the dynamic aspect of Shiva. In Tantra, this aspect of Shakti is called Kali, while among the Naths, the highest manifestation of the Goddess is Yogamaya Balasundari. Special yantra is used for her worshiping. Yantra is divided into four parts, symbolizing the four yugas - time segments of the universe. In the middle is Balasundari herself in yamala (union with Shiva). Balasundari is Nija-shakti of Shiva, Kundalini. Read more>>
Tags: :  yoga sampradaya nathas mantra
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

Divisions of the Order 13.01.2018 Divisions of the Order
This is chapter of "Gorakhnāth and Kānphaṭha Yogīs", G. W. Briggs. The principal panths, or sub-sects of the order may be described as follows: Satnath, Ramnath, Dharamnath, Lakshmannath, Daryanath, Ganganath, Bairag, Rawal or Nagnath, Jalandharipa, Aipanth, Kaplani, Dhajjanath, Kanipa. Read more>>
Tags: :  sampradaya Nathas

Yama and Niyama: brief review 01.11.2017 Yama and Niyama: brief review
Yama-Niyama are the principles of spiritual life, based on which yogi, practicing spiritual practices, becomes perfect. In other words, Yama-Niyama is the boat in which you are sitting, and spiritual practices are the oars, the motor and the map, which by the grace of Guru lead you in the right direction, thanks to your efforts. Without a boat, you are most likely to be eaten by sharks or will simply drown: the ocean of life consists not only of sunny moments. There are different variations of Yama-Niyama, but they are all alike. Read more>>
Tags: :  yoga sampradaya nathas
Author: Lakshminath

Vedic elements in Natha’s mantras 15.06.2016 Vedic elements in Natha’s mantras

Let’s take a closer look at the meaning of Gorakshanath gayatri-mantra.

At the beginning it says about being (existence), element सत् – sat, which is also connected with a root अस् as – to be, from which a famous term सत्त्व sattvá (essence, existence) comes from.

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Tags: :  mantra nathas yoga sadhana
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj

Meaning of the word Adesh 25.09.2015 Meaning of the word Adesh

“Adesh” is a common greeting among Nathas.

In “Siddha-siddhanta-paddhati” Gorakshanath says that “Adesh” means unity between Atma, Jivatma and Paramatma. People in their usual state of mind don`t realize this unity, because of this all the problems appear.

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Tags: :  nathas forum sampradaya
Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj