Satsangs of Guru Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj in Brazil, 2024
Guru Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj's Programs in Argentina, 2024
21-day Pranayama challenge
Pranayama workshop, Mar 1-7
21-day Pranayama challenge
Nāda meditation workshop, January 8-12
April 3, Navaratri with Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj, Australia, Queensland
March 17, 2020. Purifiying Pranayama With Yogi Matsyendra Nath
November 2019, Tantra Workshop Series in Argentina
Workshop in Gualeguaychu
17-18 November 2018, Yogi Matsyendranath in Źarate (Argentina)
15-16 November 2018, Yogi Matsyendranath visit to Uruguay
12 Nov 2018, Lecture at USAL (Salvador University)
10-11 November 2018, Workshops in Quilmes and La Plata (Argentina)
8 November 2018, Open conference in Necochea (Argentina)
2,3,4 November 2018 - Participating in XVI Retreat International of Yoga and Meditation
Programme in Québec (Canada) 13-16 June
Melbourne Book Launch
4-years Summer Program
Biography of a Russian Yogi
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The Path of Sannyasi and Grihastha Yogi
Sannyasa in translation means "abandonment" with the prescription of specific vows of the ashram, and sannyasa implies, first of all, a certain level of consciousness.
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Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj
The theory and practice related to amnayas are based on the legend that God Sadashiva from his five faces manifested five levels of knowledge – Amnayas, which he passed on to Shakti. The whole story is quite symbolic, because knowledge was transmitted through speech (i.e. the sound “nada”), and, in fact, Sadashiva himself is a symbol of “nada”, which is personified in the form of “maithuna” or “yamala” – an intimate connection between Shiva and Shakti. "Nada" makes Shiva and Shakti tattvas related to each other through the Sadashiva tattva. Read more>>
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Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj
Traditional apprenticeship. Tips for students
What else is worth mentioning about the path, practice and doctrine of Nathas is that it is extremely secret. And this is not intrigue or advertisement. To make it clear: there is a chance for a few in millions to figure out what Nathas tradition is. Why do I think so? It is known that Gorakshanath was a disciple of Matsyendranath who was kaula-tantric. Kaula-tantrism is a difficult practice and doctrine has traditionally been kept secret. So, Gorakshanath took its essence from his Teacher, that means the highest that was there. The essence can’t be simpler, than that from which it is extracted. Read more>>
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Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj
Karma and karma-yoga
A lot of people might wonder what human karma and sanskaras are. Whether it is one’s nature or an offspring of karma.
Karma means a deed which leads to some result. Committing some action leaves an imprint (sanskara) in the soul, namely in the karana-sharira (the causal body). This imprint is carried through life and after some time it germinates.
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Author: Nathaji
Meaning of the word Adesh
“Adesh” is a common greeting among Nathas.
In “Siddha-siddhanta-paddhati” Gorakshanath says that “Adesh” means unity between Atma, Jivatma and Paramatma. People in their usual state of mind don`t realize this unity, because of this all the problems appear.
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Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj
During dhyana you dive into an object, the sense of ego becomes simultaneously lost and perception of the object prevails.
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Author: Yogi Matsyendranath Maharaj