
Ankusha-mudra — Antriya-khechari


Ankusha means "dagger", and ankusha-mudra is reminiscent of discipline, about the direction on the spiritual path. In rituals, this mudra is often used to invoke sacred rivers into water, meaning to consecrate water.

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Annamaya kosha

The physical body, that consists of food. The densest of Atman sheaths, also called sthula-sharira (gross body).

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Annapurna Annapurna
The Goddess of food. The Goddess nourishes not only the body, but also the soul in the form of enlightenment, which is why Varanasi is also called the city of light. Devi gives us the energy to achieve knowledge.  → Подробнее...
unity of mental abilities  → Подробнее...
Internal (antar) retention of breath, that is, after inhalation, when air and prana remain "inside" the body.   → Подробнее...
an internal object in itself, is used to direct attention, concentration  → Подробнее...
inner nyasa in which one directs consciousness through different parts of the body, tracking our sensations  → Подробнее...
Antar-yajna is an internal sacrifice (ritual), worshipin of the deity within oneself, which leads to the opening of internal energy  → Подробнее...

“heavenly, airy or outer space”, “middle space”, “sky”, “atmosphere”, “maharloka”

Intermediate place of inhabitation. In Vedas, antariksha is the middle or second of three lokas (realms), which are usually listed as bhur, bhuvar and svar

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Antriya-khechari is an essential part of the practice known in hatha-yoga and tantra as khechari-mudra. Antria comes from Skt. "antra" (अन्त्र) – "internal", that is, it is internal khechari.

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