
Badarayana — Budha

(Vedavyasa, Vyasadeva or Krishna-Dvaipayana) is an ancient Indian philosopher, one of the founders of the Vedanta teaching, and also the author of the Vedanta-sutra tract.

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"bound", "constrained"

"Bounded" is every mortal who has not yet attained spiritual liberation (moksha).

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A sacred Hindu city in the Chamoli district in Uttarakhand, India

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Bagala, Bagalamukhi is a Tantric Goddess who helps to paralyze the enemy and destroy all magical influences.  → Подробнее...
External (bahir) kumbhaka is holding the breath after exhale while air and prana remain "outside". Bahir-kumbhaka is related with emptiness, with a principle of voidness and, consequently, dissolution of prana and mind. This kumbhaka prepares the practitioner for meditation, making the mind calm and the consciousness empty and perceptive. Bahir-kumbhaka is often used in combination with three bandhas: mula-bandha, jalandhara-bandha, and uddiyana-bandha.  → Подробнее...
"outer lakshya", a sphere or objects for meditation or concentration located outside the human body or on its surface. Bahir-lakshya includes, for example, candle flame, various images of the Deities, yantras, symbols, etc. Many Natha-yogis also referred 16 adharas as bahir-lakshya, because they are located almost on the surface of the body.  → Подробнее...
"external nyasa", part of the tantric ritual in which the practitioner touches the fingers or hands formed in the mudra to different parts of the body  → Подробнее...
Bala Bala

Goddess Bala Sundari. The word “bal” means youth, in another meaning- eternal youth and immortality.

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«place of offer» in the form of a small elevation in the form of an inverted lotus in the traditional agamic church. Here the parishioner must leave all his negative thoughts before entering inside.

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"energy lock", carried out by compressing certain muscle groups

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Indian philosopher, statesman and social reformer who lived on the territory of modern Karnataka

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Basti is one of the six purifying actions or kriyas (shat-karmas), intended to rid intestines of drosses and toxins.  → Подробнее...
Bell Bell
It symbolizes the element of ether (sound) and is used in puja and arati for the worship of Deities, attracting them by sound.
A sacred plant. Its fruits (supārī) and leaves (tāmbūla) are used as offerings in pujas. It is also a light drug. In India, it is as legal as tobacco.

"that which creates all the manifested and unmanifested" 

Sacred ashes obtained either from the sifted ashes left after the homa ritual, or prepared by burning dried cow dung with the addition of milk, honey, ghee and some aromatic substances, followed by consecration in the puja ritual.

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Bhabhut-diksha is a practice of putting the sacred ashes bhabhut on the body, it helps yogi to direct prana into sushumna. When covering the body with ashes from the sacred hearth (dhuni), pores of skin are blocked, yogi learns to breathe subtle energy, while prana merges with consciousness of yogi.  → Подробнее...
 Gracious Kali. One of the hypostases of Goddess, one of the nine Kalis.
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Bhadrasana Bhadrasana
(from bhadra — "happiness, auspiciousness, blessed one") is an auspicious pose or pose that bestows happiness  → Подробнее...

Bhagava-vastra – saffron-colored clothes, which is passed on to a disciple from Guru during initiation into Tradition.

The symbology of saffron dates back to Vedic times. Saffron is the color of vairagya, the color of tyaga, the color of tapasya. It symbolizes fire, combustion of worldly desires, sacrifice, estrangement. 

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Bhagavad Gita
"The God's Song" “Bhagavad Gita” (or simply “Gita”) is an ancient text that is part of the sixth book of the most famous Indian epic “Mahabharata”. “Bhagavad Gita” consists of 18 chapters and about 700 verses. It contains many key topics related to Indian spiritual tradition. The plot of “Gita” is based on the struggle of two clans: Pandavas and Kauravas. The pretenders to the throne are each other's cousins. The largest battle takes place in Kurukshetra, Kurusa region, in the modern Indian state of Haryana.  → Подробнее...

"glorified", "divine", "revered", "holy"

A term often used in Hinduism in relation to the Supreme Being or the Absolute Truth as God in His personal aspect.

Bhagavan is also used as a term identical to the word "Lord", such as "Bhagavan Shiva".

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Bhagiratha Bhagiratha
The great king in Hindu mythology, according to legend, brought Ganga from the spiritual world to Earth. The most complete description of the legend about Bhagiratha is contained in "Ramayana".  → Подробнее...

the fearsome form of Shiva

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Bhairava Ashtami
Bhairava Ashtami (also called Kala-Ashtami or Mahakal Bhairavashtami) is the day of Bhairava's (Mahakala's, Kala Bhairava's) birth, a rather well-known holiday in India. It's celebrated on the eighth day in the fortnight in the month of Kartik.  → Подробнее...
Bhairava-Danda Bhairava-Danda

It is a stick that yogins (Nathas, Nagas) carry when they pilgrimage. The danda is also used as a weapon. It is one of the offerings in the Gorakshanath-puja.

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Hands are folded at the base of the abdomen with palms up: the back of the right hand on the left palm.  → Подробнее...

"formidable", "terrible"

Bhairavi is a tantric goddess who is part of the group of ten Mahavidyas (Dasha-mahavidya). One of the most frightening and destructive manifestations of the Divine Mother. Bhairavi is the consort (Shakti) of Shiva-Bhairava, at the same time she can be considered as a free and independent manifestation of Divine Energy.

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the practice of singing bhajans is specific to various Bhakti traditions in Hinduism; a synonym for "kirtan".  → Подробнее...

“devotee” – a person who adores God in one of His forms; a practitioner of bhakti yoga.

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Bhakti Bhakti
Heart aspiration to God.  → Подробнее...
Spiritual practice of devotional service to God (Absolute, Paramatma)  in order to awaken love for Him in the heart and open oneself for His mercy.  → Подробнее...
Bhakti-yoga samadhi
Samadhi, obtained by devotional serving and worshiping God and through the constant orientation of the mind towards comprehension of God.  → Подробнее...

Bharata, Bharat (Hindi – भारत गणराज्य, Bhārat Gaṇarājya) is the official name of Republic of India in Hindi. Translated from the ancient hindu “bharata” means literally “educated”.

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The king of Ujjain, who renounced the throne and became a disciple of Gorakshanath. The founder of Vairag-panth also known as Bhartṛhari Bāirāg (lit. “Bhartrihari‘s rejection”, in honor of his abdication from the king's throne). In the Tradition, he is also famous as Great Siddha Vicharnath.

Bhartrihari is the author of such poems as “Shringarashataka” (dedicated to love), “Nitishataka” (a hundred verses on worldly wisdom), “Vairagyashataka” (dedicated to detachment). He wrote the last one, when he met Gorakshanath. He was also the first to describe the theory of speech and sound (how speech is related with consciousness). He is also credited with the writings related to sanskrit grammar (Vākyapadīya), where he analyzed it from a mystical point of view. Some scientists are inclined to believe that there were three different people – a yogi, a poet, and a grammarian.

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"destruction of being" 

Sacred ashes obtained either from the sifted ashes left after the homa ritual, or prepared by burning dried cow dung with the addition of milk, honey, ghee and some aromatic substances, followed by consecration in the puja ritual.

It symbolizes purity and is one of the most sacred attributes of ministering to Shiva for all Shaivites. 

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Ritual application of sacred ashes on the body – bhasma (also bhabhutvibhuti).

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This pranayama is a rapid sequence of intense inhalations and exhalations, which is its characteristic feature. The inhalations and exhalations in this pranayama should be the same active and intense as if a blacksmith quickly inflated his bellows.

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"existence", "being", "state of consciousness"

Bhava, in the general meaning, is the state, nature, temperament, type of relationship, emotions, feelings, as well as being, existence, emergence, love.

Bhava in ritual literature is also one of the names of Shiva.

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"creative contemplation", "perception", "reflection"

Uninterrupted reflection and thinking about the truth.

A contemplative practice in which a feeling directed at a certain object is cultivated.

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from Sanskrit root भुज्, bhuj — “to enjoy, posses, suffer”

Pleasure, sensual gratification, experiencing worldly joys.

The enjoyer is bhokta.

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The thin bark of the Himalayan birch (Betula utilis) has long been used in India instead of paper for writing sacred texts, as well as in tantric rituals. Nowadays, bhojpatra is usually used in yantra puja:  yantra is drawn on it with a special ink; it is believed that in this way the prepared yantra is energetically more powerful and resonates with a better with person than yantra on metal or ordinary paper. Bhojpatra is often used to make various amulets, kavachas.  → Подробнее...
one of the chakras, located in the head area below the sahaswrara chakra   → Подробнее...

Bhramari is one of the well-known pranayamas (also called bhramari-kumbhaka), which can be used both independently and as a practice leading to nadanusandhana.

The name of pranayama is associated with a sound similar to the buzzing of a bee, created during the practice. Mind and prana are gradually absorbed in this sound, fluctuations and worries disappear, consciousness is purified and revealed, as well as energy (shakti). Bhramari is also the Goddess name meaning this pranayama, like others, is related to awakening of Kundalini-shakti. This practice can also be referred to as laya-yoga because dissolution of mind takes place.

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"the way of service", "the way of the servant". 

One of the five ethical principles in Virashivaism and the tantric schools of Shaivism close to it. It consists in unselfish service to others through karma-yoga.

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psychoenergetic center located between eyebrows

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Yogic mudra, associated with the organ of perception – the nose, and accordingly with the element of the earth. Some teachers advise to focus attention on the tip of the nose when practicing mudra and stop prana and apana there (connecting prana and apana).

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Bhushundi Bhushundi
The legendary brahmin and the great yogi of the past, who reached the Supreme Reality. He is known for his deep devotion to Rama, according to one story, he was the first to write the “Ramayana”, before Rishi Valmiki and Tulsidas, according to another story, he wrote his own version of the “Ramayana”.  → Подробнее...
  1. The evil spirits, one of the lowest grades of demons. 
  2. The elements of the universe, of which there are five (panchabhuta): earth, water, fire, air, ether.
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practice of purifying the elements that make up the body  → Подробнее...
Bhutagni Bhutagni

“subtle or spiritual fire” — 

According to Ayurveda, there are 13 types of agni in the human body — jatharagni, bhutagni (5 lights) and dhatagni (7 lights). It is believed that thanks to bhutagni, the five primary elements stay in balance. In the manipura area, as well as in the whole body, there is a constant interaction of all types of agni to assimilate and process food received from outside, impressions, etc.

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“the World Mistress”. 

tantric goddess who is a member of the group of ten Mahavidyas (Dasha-mahavidya). It symbolizes the space of consciousness (chit-akasha). According to “Rudrayamala Tantra”, she is identified with 5 primary elements (pancha-mahabhutas). Being the Mother of the entire manifested Universe, she is depicted as an eternally young queen sitting on a lotus. 

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bhuvas, bhuvar, bhuva

  • the second of great utterances maha-vyāhṛti;  
  • the space between heaven (svarga) and earth (bhū), the second of the three worlds or seven higher worlds, also called ‘bhuvar-loka’, ‘antariksha’ 
    (as a compound of heaven and earth, the word is formed as a combination of the first syllable of earth (bhu-u) and the second syllable of heaven (su-var)); 
  • astral level of being; 
  • air, sky, atmosphere.
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quintessence of mantra, all its potential, enclosed in the seed`s syllable  → Подробнее...
«seed syllable», otherwise — bija mantra, or bija; the first syllable of the mantra  → Подробнее...
Bilva Bilva

The sacred tree Aegle marmelos. Other names are Bael, Japanese bitter orange, and Stone apple.

It is believed that Bilva leaves are  sacred and dear to Lord Shiva. 

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Bindu Bindu

Self-generating seed of life, original unity of Shiva and Shakti, beyond human understanding. Whole being is manifested from white and red bindu (symbols of feminine and masculine origin), which were formed by its splitting. Bindu is depicted in the center of yantras. The universe is manifested from it and is dissolved in it.

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Bindu-stambhana Bindu-stambhana

Bindu-stambhana is retention (stambhana) of a «drop» or «seed» (bindu), result of which is preservation of vital force (prana). A similar concept is prana-samyama.

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“One whose essence is awakening” or “striving for enlightenment” in the Buddhism of Mahayana and Vajrayana is a person who has decided to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings. In other words, a follower of the Buddha who vows not to go into nirvana until all sentient beings leave the cycle of samsara.  → Подробнее...
Seven factors in the Pali Canon that a practitioner must develop in order to achieve enlightenment.  → Подробнее...
Brahma Brahma

Supreme Deity, Creator

The first Deity of Hindu trinity (trimurti), responsible for creation of the world. 

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Feeding Brahmins. Final part of purashcharana process. By satisfying brahmins with delicious food, one can correct many mistakes or shortcomings that could have been committed through unawareness or ignorance in the purashcharana process. The number of invited brahmins is defined as 1/10 of the number of accomplished marjanas.  → Подробнее...

The gate of Brahman is at top of head; passing through it, Kundalini connects with Brahman, or Shiva.

Often identified with brahmarandhra.

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«Brahma Period»

The penultimate, fourteenth muhurta of the dark half of day. This period of time is considered especially favorable for spiritual practice.

According to Ayurveda, a healthy person should wake up no later than two muhurts before sunrise, at 4:30am, provided that day and night are equal (which is true for the tropical latitudes of Southern India). Depending on the geographical latitude of a place, as well as time of year, sunrise time varies. 

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Brahma-nadi is the most subtle channel through which the awakened Kundalini rises from muladhara chakra to sahasrara chakra; all chakras are located in it. It is located inside chitra-nadi (associated with moon), which passes inside vajra-nadi (associated with sun), and that in turn is located in sushumna-nadi (fire).  → Подробнее...
one of the most important scriptures of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, which is attributed to the Agamas   → Подробнее...

A brahmacharin is one who follows brahmacharya, one of the parts of yama that includes chastity.

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brahma – «Spirit, Absolute»; carya – «behavior, lifestyle, piety»

  • One of the parts that constitute yama (a stage in Yoga), chastity.
  • The initial ashram in one's life who has entered the path of apprenticeship.
  • Literally means following God in all of one’s actions. 
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a knot of tattvas and energies associated with self-identification with the material world of names and forms. It is located in the area of muladhara chakra. A person who has not untied this knot is bound to the material, he craves wealth, position in society, etc.  → Подробнее...

A partial synonym of «satyaloka».

  • Brahma's loka; 
  • Brahman's loka (the state of identity with the Supreme); 
  • the tripartite world, a description of which can be found, for example, in Vyasa's comments on «Yoga Sutras» Patanjali.
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Awe, world soul, God-Creator; Highest varna in Indian society.  → Подробнее...
the scriptures of Hinduism, part of the shruti literature. They represent commentaries on Vedas explaining Vedic rituals.  → Подробнее...

Brahma’s Egg.

Brahmanda is Brahma’s Universe, which arose from the Cosmic Egg floating in the Causal Ocean.

It is also named as Hiranyagarbha.

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One of the eighteen major Puranas (called «Mahapuranas»). The name of this Purana comes from its description of brahmanda, the «Cosmic Egg» of Brahma, from which the Universe was formed.  → Подробнее...
A stage in the development of religious mindset of ancient India, following the Vedic religion and preceding Hinduism.  In its main features, Brahmanism formed in the period approximately from the VIII to the II centuries BC in the area between two rivers — Jamna and Ganga, as a result of Vedic religion of Aryans and local cults interaction.  → Подробнее...

chakra, the opening of Brahma, is located in the area of ​​the fontanel bone on the crown of the head

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A Buddhist practice consisting of four parts — four brahmaviharas.  → Подробнее...
  • Brahma's female hypostasis, his Shakti (creative force), spouse. 
  • The ancient Indian syllabic writing.
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Brihaspati Brihaspati

Guru or Jupiter, one of the Navagrahas: the strongest naturally beneficial planet, sattvic in character. Brihaspati is Guru of Devas (deities), the deity of prayers and sacrifices in Vedism, 11 hymns of Rig Veda are dedicated to him.

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  • a principle of enlightened (primary) state of mind
  • the name of Buddha Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha, Siddhartha)
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part of antahkaran and is responsible for the ability to distinguish  → Подробнее...

Buddhism or Buddha-dharma is religion-philosophical teaching founded by Buddha Shakyamuni in ancient India around the VI century BC. The foundational dogma of teaching is the idea of changeability and impermanence of phenomenal existence. An ultimate goal is achieving nirvana or enlightenment. There are several well-known characteristics for almost all the directions and schools of buddhism considered to be the doctrine of interdependent origin (pretitya samutpada) and teaching of karma, acknowledgement of rebirth (samsara) and also rejection of a soul as selfness (anatma). Buddha himself formulated the basic principles in the form of “Four Noble Truths”.

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Budha (from Sanskrit बुध् — "to awaken, to become aware"), or Mercury, is one of the navagrahas – a naturally beneficial planet, rajasic in nature.  → Подробнее...
