
Kailas — Kundalini

A sacred mountain in the western part of Tibet, on the border with Nepal.
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Kaitabha Kaitabha
The demon killed by Vishnu; Together with his twin brother Madhu personifies mental vices.
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Special, final - the fifth (after the turya) - state of consciousness, attainable in yoga.  → Подробнее...
Tantric Goddess, Yoginī, responsible for fat (honey) and controlling anahata-chakra or svadhishthana-chakra. She belongs to the Yogini group, which embodies the forces associated, on one hand, with the physical substances of the body (dhatu), and on the other – with the subtle level of the chakras. In addition to Kākiṇī, the group includes Ḍākinī, Rākiṇī, Lākiṇī, Śākiṇī, Hākiṇī, and sometimes Yākiṇī.   → Подробнее...
Kamandal Kamandal
It is an oblong pot made of a dry gourd, coconut shell, metal or wood, usually with a handle, which sadhus or yogis carry water in.  → Подробнее...
the root of all nadis  → Подробнее...
Darshanis or kanphats are yogis who wear special earrings (kundalas) in the center of their ears. Darshani means a complete yogi, a full-fledged Guru and a representative of his tradition.  → Подробнее...

throat chakra, Vishuddha

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Kapilani-panth Kapilani-panth
The panth, founded by Kapila Muni himself, being initiated by Gorakshanath.  → Подробнее...

Nowadays karma is understood as the total sum of right and wrong actions accumulated in past lives, as well as actions in the current life performed by a person through body, senses, thoughts and desires that have a good and harmful effect on his or her life.

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Lose of Atman`s omnipotence. One of three limitations (malas)

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type of yoga that assumes the development of the freedom in action and the ability to keep ego detached from any type of activities.  → Подробнее...
Special mantras that call for the protection and patronage of the Deity.
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synonym for hatha yoga, practice aimed at understanding the identity of one's human body and the cosmic body of Shiva
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Kevala-kumbhaka Kevala-kumbhaka

Kevala-kumbhaka is a type of spontaneous breath retention that is not tied to inhaling or exhaling. "Kumbhaka" means delay, "Kevala" means alone, single, full. Unlike other techniques of delay, Kevala-kumbhaka, in fact, is not a delay — in this state there is complete control of prana, and there is no need for inhaling and exhaling. This is the goal of all pranayama practices, the key to moksha.

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(Sanskrit "movement in space") is one of the most important practices in yoga, with the help of which yogic super abilities and liberation are obtained. It connects the moon and the sun, they are absorbed by the fire of the sushumna. This provides state of zero gravity and liberates consciousness.

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shell of the spirit according to Vedanta philosophy  → Подробнее...
the eighth avatar and most revered form of God Vishnu  → Подробнее...
fury, rage, anger; one of the six distortions of consciousness;  → Подробнее...

"mercy", "forgiveness"; one of the virtues

Tolerance for those who do not live like you, many people see nothing but their illusions, you need to treat them with understanding.

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Kubari Kubari
It is a holder for arm or chin, that yogin using while practicing dhyana, japa or pranayama for a long time.  → Подробнее...
one of the seven secondary energy channels of the human body  → Подробнее...
A serpent, a serpent fire force; cosmic energy, lying in the body in the dormant state; goddess name.  → Подробнее...
