



अनुलोम-विलोम, anuloma-viloma

From Sanskrit, loma is translated as "hair", anu – "in direction", and vi – "against". That is, literally, anuloma-viloma means "in the direction of hair [growth] and against it, in the opposite direction." In yoga, this phrase is used to refer to the simplest pranayama, which consists in alternating breathing without retention.

Anuloma-viloma pranayama, first of all, is performed in order to balance the doshas and clear the channels of the subtle body, to balance the entire energy structure. There are 72,000 nadi-channels in the human body, three of which are the main: ida and pingala, in which energy is active during daily activities, and sushumna, through which prana does not move in most people. Usually all secondary channels are closed to ida and pingala. The cleaner the channels, the less chaos and anxiety we have inside. With clean channels, the body and energy become one, mental vibrations and disturbances disappear. Anuloma-viloma purifies and balances the flow of prana in ida and pingala, makes it possible to transform prana and awaken the middle channel, sushumna.

General recommendations for practice

Sit in a comfortable position (sukhasana, vajrasana, padmasana, etc.) in which it is easy for you to keep your back straight and your shoulders straightened. The fingers of the right hand are placed on the wings of the nose to alternately close the nostrils: the thumb on the right wing, the little finger and ring finger on the left. Inhalation can be started from the left nostril or from the one that breathes better. After inhaling, for example, through the left nostril, immediately exhale smoothly through the right; then inhale through the right and exhale through the left nostril. Then again inhale through the left, etc.

Breathing should be very smooth, calm, in your natural rhythm. Gradually, it will become slower, longer, and along with this, the worries in the mind will also go away.

Attention should be directed to the movement of air, to breathing itself, and also to track your general state.

The execution time may vary, for beginners it will be optimal to perform this pranayama from 5 to 30 minutes gradually increasing the execution time. It is important to prevent fatigue and finish before it occurs.
