



धर्म पंथ, dharma paṃth

One of Shiva's panths.

Ancient names: "van", "bani", "ban", from vaṇ – "forest".
Alternative names: "dharmanathas", "dharmnaths".
The main math in the past was located in Nepal (Dullu Daylekh), today – in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (Gorakhpur, Gorakhnath Mandir).

The legendary patron and founder of the panth is Dharmaraja, the "Lord of Dharma" (the epithet of Yudhishthira, the name of the god of Dharma; in “Mahabharata” Dharma is Yudhishthira’s father). There is a version about the origin of the panth from Dharamnath yogi, who known for his miracles. Briggs writes that Dharma-panth branched off from Satya-panth ("Raja Dhara became yogi Satnath"), and that some consider Dharamnath as a disciple of Matsiendra, even one of Navanathas.

Dharma-panth has played a significant role in the recent history of the order. Known for hundreds of years, at the beginning of the XX century it was considered non-existent due to the lack of official registration. In 1927, work began on the recognition of the Naths by the authorities. The case was completed only in 1950 – by the mahant of the Gorakhpur Mandir, Digvijayanath. The Mandir has long been famous as a center for the dissemination of knowledge about the Sampradaya and hatha-yoga: many books have been published and translated here. Since the time of Digvijayanath, it has been the residence of the sabhapati (President) of Akhil Bharatvarshiya Avadhut Bhesh Barah Punch Yogi Mahasabha (Pan-Indian Association of Twelve Yogic Panthas).

Dharmanathas perform the most important rituals of the Tradition if there are no representatives of Satya-panth.
