



It is the name of India’s sandals or footprints of saints. Shri-padukas are Guru’s or saint sandals. It is a traditional iconographical image of Guru which is represents his holy feet and is honored as source of his grace. The paduka is also one of the eight pillars (ashtavarana) of the Vira-shaivas tradition; it’s a practice of drink water after ceremonial washing Shivalinga or Guru’s feet. It is considered that saint’s feet lead to spiritual redemption so there is the paduka-puja, the practice of worship Guru’s feet or paduka in many religious schools. There is the mantra which Nathas use for worship Guru’s (Gorakshanath) padukas:  


mantra sat namo ādeś | gurujī ko ādeś | oṁ guru jī vṛkṣ talāī vṛkṣ sār vṛkṣa bāṇdhī kharāū pāv | satguru caraṇ pakhāliye caraṇ pādukā ko namo namaḥ || oṁ caraṇ pādukā avadhū lāye pāp puṇya se nyārā rahe | sun pūtā kahe goraśa pārā carhe pārā rākhe pādukā hameśā sāth rahe || dhartrī jale barse ambar sab diśā rākh leva sāth hamārā | ham yogī yugat ki kharāvā koī virlā bhed pādukā ka pāyā | kaun guru kaun celā kaun guru param uddhār alakh guru niranjan celā śiv goraś guru paramuddhār itanā pāduka mantra sampūrṇ bhayā | srī nāth jī guru jī ko ādeś | ādeś |

Adesh to the Holy Name! Adesh to Guruji Om Guruji! Wood is a foundation, wood is an element, wood is a barrier, the forth manifestation is a purity. Greetings to padukas that eliminates obstacles for Sadguru’s foot! Om, the avadhu’s padukas grant the stay beyond merits and sins. Listen, saint Goraksha said: padukas are always together just as when somebody drinks mercury and keeps it inside. We stay in the world where the water flows from heaven to earth and all directions support the dimensionality of Universe. The padukas on our foot grant the state of yoga, eliminated any differences of duality even the most fine. Who is Guru, who is a disciple, who is Highest Guru, leading to deliverance? Alakh (the Unnamed) is Guru, Niranjan (the Purest) is a disciple, Shiva Goraksha is Highest Guru leading to deliverance. Such is the paduka-mantra. Shri Nathaji Guruji adesh! Adesh!

The mantra from the book of Yogi Vilasnath "Shri Natha Rahasya"
