


साक्षात्कर, sākṣātkara

Sakshatkara is a Sanskrit word that means "direct or intuitive perception", "realization", "knowledge". By literal it is translated as "puting before the eyes", "making evident". In spiritual context, it refers to the direct experience or realization of a Deity, a principle, or one's true self. Term "sakshatkara" is often used as a part of compound word, for example: ātmasākṣātkāra (realization of Atman), brahmasākṣātkāra (realization of Brahman, perfect union with Parabrahman) and so on.

In Hinduism and other Indian spiritual traditions, sakshatkara is considered to be the ultimate goal of spiritual practice. It is the state of being directly and fully aware of one's true nature, or of the divine. It is often described as a state of spiritual enlightenment or liberation – moksha.

Sakshatkara can be achieved through the practices of yoga and tantra, in which the individual becomes one with the divine and transcends the limitations of the ego and the mind. At the same time, this state of realization comes to sadhaka through the grace of a Guru or a Deity and is seen as a gift rather than something that can be attained through personal effort.
