


समत्व, समता, samatva, samatā

equality, calmness, indifference, the same attitude, inner balance, sameness.

Samatva, or Samata, is formed from the adjective "sama" (Sanskrit: सम, sama), which literally means "the same", "equal".

In "Bhagavad-gita", yoga is defined as samatva (samatvam yoga uchyate), and Krishna declares himself to be the same (samo'ham) in relation to all beings.

Gopinath Kaviraj describes nath aspiring to samata or samarasya as follows: "This ideal is characterized by one word samarasya, which implies the destruction of even traces of all kinds of existing differences... a positive process of what can be described as deep mutual penetration. This ideal lies at the heart of the principle of unification of Purusha and Prakriti... Shiva and Shakti... This denotes the samata avadhuta yogis, who really are the union of One and that which is Beyond."
