


विशुद्ध, viśuddha

"ultrapure", "purest"

Vishuddha is a chakra located in the throat area. It is also called Kantha-chakra.

Color – blue or smoky.

Deity – Hamsanath (Jivatma)


It is depicted as a sixteen-petalled lotus with the letters aṁ, āṁ, iṁ, īṁ, uṁ, ūṁ, ṛṁ, ṝṁ, ḷṁ, ḹṁ, eṁ, aiṁ, oṁ, auṁ, aṁ, aḥ. Sixteen vowels are associated with the 16th aspects of the moon and 16 adharas in the human body, they control the entire network of nadi channels located below this chakra (through the practice of jalandhara-bandha).


In the center of the lotus is a drop of nectar, in which the bija-mantra haṁ is reflected. It is believed that the divine nectar flows to the Vishuddha-chakra from Bindu. This symbolic nectar implies the truth, Satchiananda, is formed in Sahasrara, and gathered in Talu. An elephant is often depicted in this chakra, as a symbol of akasha element and wisdom. In "Hatha-yoga pradipika" it is said that by revealing vishuddha-chakra, the yogi attains ghata-avasthi (the union of the empty space of the jug with the outer space). Prana and apana are united, currents of ida and pingala. An unaffected state (anahata) is achieved. This state arises in the absence of duality. Most likely, this is why many tantras mane this chakra vishuddha (untainted).

Vishuddha is also responsible for the truth, is the chakra of purity and communication, the manifestations of creativity and oratory art depend on its functioning.
