
Natha Yoga Workshop in Europe with Yogi Matsyendranatha Maharaj


Natha Yoga Workshop in Europe with Yogi Matsyendranatha Maharaj


12th-13th of June in Warsaw (Poland)

16th-17th of June in Venice (Italy)

First day

Theory: General guidance on traditional yoga (directions, a history, goals, points of view and practice). – 1 hr. 30 min.

Practice: The proper yogic way of life (dinacara) for practitioners of different levels (kanishtha – initial, madhyama – middle, uttama – highest), appropriate nutrition, sleep, regulation of sexual relations, brief recommendation on purification techniques (shat-karmas), sukshma-vyayama (exercise for removing muscles’ blocs in the body), types of pranayamas. – 1 hr. 30 min.

Second day

Practice: The correct approach to the asanas, necessary amount of asanas and relationship of asanas and other daily practices. Dhyana practice (meditation). – 1 hr. 30 min.

Theory: Explanation of the concepts of “sadhana” and “dinacara”. The sequence of the yoga practices in sadhana (asana-pranayama-dhyana), as well the use of mantras. – 1 hr. 30 min.

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