
Viniyoga — Vyoma

a guide to the realization of the mantra as a whole  → Подробнее...

One of the yogic mudras giving siddhi. In this position, the body of the sun and the moon change places, that is, the solar sphere (the lower abdomen) is at the top, and the lunar sphere (the head region) is at the bottom.

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one of the largest traditions of Hinduism, which has absorbed a large number of directions and schools that worship Lord Vishnu as the supreme deity, as well as his numerous incarnations, such as Krishna, Rama, Narasimha  → Подробнее...

chakra located in the throat area; it is also called Kantha-chakra.

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Vyana-mudra is connected with vyana-vayu. Technique: the little finger and index finger are straightened, the middle and ring fingers touching the thumb.

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One of the main vayus functioning in the human body. Governs physical activity of a person, nourishes all nervous and muscle tissues and also vascular system of the body.  → Подробнее...
