


वैशेषिक सूत्र, vaiśeṣika sūtra

"Vaisheshika Sutras" (another name is the "Kanada Sutras") are the main collection of aphorisms (sutras) of the orthodox philosophical school (darshanas) of the Vaisheshika. The books in the collection explain in detail and classify the fundamental modifications of the universe, as well as their various categories – padartha. The authorship of the Sutras is traditionally attributed to the sage Kanada, who was also called Kanabhuj, which means "Devouring grains (atoms)," emphasizing the atomistic feature of his worldview. The most ancient sutras in the collection are usually dated to the first century BC. The text of the Vaisheshika Sutras consists of 10 books, 8 of which are further divided into two parts (ahnika). 

The sutras recognize 9 types of substances (dravya): 4 types of atoms or primary elements (earth, water, fire, and air), space (akasha), time (kala), directions (dik), soul (atman), mind (manas). 17 qualities (gunas), 5 types of movement (karma) are also listed, and then their comparative analysis is given. Among other things, the sutras discuss the nature of eternal existence due to the interaction of atoms (anu), the existence of a plurality of souls, the logical basis of manasa-mind, the concepts of the general (samanya), the particular (vishesha), and being (satta) are analyzed. The book contains a polemic with the philosophy of mimansa regarding the eternity of the Vedas and discussions of dharmaadharma, and moksha. There are many commentaries and treatises on the Vaisesika Sutras, the most famous of which are those of Chandramata, Prashastapada, Shradhara, etc.
