


Arya-ashtanga-magga (Pali "Noble Eightfold Path") – the sum of views, actions and practices, consisting of 8 parts, proclaimed by Buddha Shakyamuni to save beings from suffering.

  1. Correct views. These include (in addition to belief in karma and rebirth common to Indian teachings) the vision of 3 characteristics of the world - impermanence, suffering and impersonality, the interdependent emergence of all phenomena in the world and the four noble truths.

  2. Correct intention. The texts describe it as the intention to renounce, i.e., in fact, Buddhist practice and getting rid of clinging, the intention to eradicate malevolence – towards others and oneself and not harm all the living things.

  3. Correct speech. Speech devoid of lies, rudeness, not sowing discord, as well as the absence of empty chatter.

  4. Correct actions. These include refraining from taking life, from taking what is not given, and from unwholesome sexual behavior (betrayal and other actions that bring suffering and pain to other beings).

  5. Correct livelihood. When a person earns his living not by professions that bring direct harm and suffering, such as hunting, slaughtering livestock, selling alcohol or other intoxicants, weapons, etc.

  6. Correct efforts. Efforts to get rid of the bad qualities of the mind and develop good ones.

  7. Correct awareness. It includes the practice of the so-called 4 satipatthans (4 bases of awareness) when the practitioner is aware of the feelings, thoughts and actions that arise.

  8. Correct concentration. This is the practice of deep meditative states – dhyana (Skrt. "absorption").
