


Bhutagni भूताग्नि, bhūtāgni

“subtle or spiritual fire”

According to Ayurveda, there are 13 types of agni in the human body — jatharagni, bhutagni (5 lights) and dhatagni (7 lights). It is believed that thanks to bhutagni, the five primary elements stay in balance. In the manipura area, as well as in the whole body, there is a constant interaction of all types of agni to assimilate and process food received from outside, impressions, etc.

Generally, jatharagni is the most active, responsible for the assimilation of coarse food, for digestion in whole. But for spiritual practice, it is necessary to "kindle" bhutagni, that allows to perceive the subtle energies of the world and assimilate them. In addition, 5 elements are related to Kundalini, she creates them in the process of manifestation and she absorbs them. Therefore, the activation of bhutagni promotes the unfolding of Kundalini shakti and the obtaining knowledge about the world. It is believed that if bhutagni is strong, then mantras are realized faster.

The kindling of bhutagni is achieved by purifying these five elements. For example, this is facilitated by the ritual of agnihotra, puja, as well as the transformation of jatharagni into bhutagni can be achieved in some extent by yogic techniques such as nauli, agnisara or uddiyana-bandha. This is also facilitated by the integration of prana and apana, with their merge with samana. Also, if a person performs a full-fledged sadhana under the guidance of Guru, then bhutagni will gradually increase as the sadhaka is purified and developed.
