


Rishi ऋषि, ṛṣi

"a seer, inspired poet or sage"

Rishis are associated with the Vedic hymns, which were originally transmitted orally from generation to generation in the families of rishis and only many centuries later were written down and divided into 4 books.

From the family clans of the rishis, gotras (spiritual lineages) subsequently arose. Also, the rishis are the discoverers of most mantras and their original Gurus, and the corresponding nyasa (rishi-nyasa) is performed on the head.

There are seven main rishis or saptarṣi, the first mention of which can be found in the "Rigveda". They are called divine, fathers. These rishis are considered to be on the same level with the gods. List of the seven rishis from the "Vishnu Purana": Kratu, Pulaha, Pulastya, Atri, Angiras, Vasistha and Bhrigu. The names vary according to the sources, sometimes their number reaches nine. There is also an opinion that each manvantara has its own saptarshi. 

"Vishnu Purana" divides the rishis into three classes. These are brahmarshis born from the mind of Brahma, such as Vasishtha, devarshis – divine rishis, like Narada, and rajarshis, or kings who became rishis due to their knowledge and ascetic exploits, such as Janaka or Vishvamitra.

The rishi’s tradition is closely intertwined with the muni tradition, often including the same sages, such as Narada or Agastya. But muni are mainly associated with asceticism and the way of life of hermits, while the rishis were, as a rule, grihasthas. The rishis were more involved in karma-kanda, which included the performance of fire rituals, while the practice of muni was jnana-kanda, for example, dhyana.
