


अमृतनाथ, amṛtnāth (hindi), amṛtanātha (sanskrit)

The famous Guru and saint in the Natha Tradition (1852-1945). He was born in the town of Shekhawati, near Jayapur, in the state of Rajasthan in a farmer’s family. At the age of seven, after his mother’s death, he adopted the lifestyle of hermit and wandered around India.

After returning to Shekhawati in 1888, he was initiated into the Natha Tradition. Throughout his life, he demonstrated many superpowers, could instantly heal the sick, was insensitive to the effects of poisons, and possessed telekinesis. For a long time Shri Amritnath lived doing sadhana and not taking part in social life. Later, when an ashram was built by his disciples, he settled there. The ashram began to be visited by yogis, and Amritnath was giving them many valuable instructions on spiritual practice.

He taught various types of control of the senses, prana and mind, but he attached particular importance to mitahara and sahaja-yoga, which he himself followed. In 1945, Yogi Shri Amritnath lay down on a bed in the presence of his disciples, smiled, his breathing stopped, and he left the body. This was followed by a heavy downpour that continued for a very long time.
