


चित् शक्ति, cit śakti

Energy, the power of the Supreme Consciousness, which is beyond duality.

In Kashmir Shaivism, Chit Shakti belongs to the Shuddha Tattvas, corresponds to Shiva and is inseparable from Him, is the original omnipresent Consciousness and the source of the Universe. All other Shaktis and limited states of mind are considered as manifestations of Chit Shakti. When the adept realizes his unity with this Supreme Tattva, together with the totality of cognizing and acting energies, then all activity and all phenomenal existence are perceived by the yogi as emanating from his own higher Self.

For the Nathas, Chit Shakti is the power of the transcendental Shiva, Nija-Shakti, which is always within Ishvara and is identical with him. This is also Shuddha-maya, that is, the force that leads a person (jiva) to liberation. The awakened, non-dual state of consciousness is Chit Shakti. All types of yoga: jnana, hatha, laya, mantra, raja, and others lead sadhaka beyond the forms and other limitations, to the experience of unity with the Supreme Consciousness, Chit Shakti.
