


ईश्वर-प्रणिधान, īśvara-praṇidhāna

Ишвара-пуджана1.jpgIshvara-pranidhana (or Ishvara-pujana) is one of the niyamas, i.e. precepts for sadhana.

It consists of two Sanskrit words īśvara and praṇidhāna. Īśvara means "Lord" or "God" (the transcendental Supreme Reality), and praṇidhāna means deep meditation, prayer, renunciation of the fruits of action. Therefore, Ishvara-pranidhana means "service to the Absolute" or "offering everything to God". The implication is that the practitioner is not just formally fulfilling some precepts, but rather worshiping a Deity with devotion, admiration, reverence and love in the specific forms that are described in classical texts. This can encompass performing puja, as well as meditation, and directing oneself to the Supreme at any given time. 

Ишвара-пуджана2.jpgIn the book "Introduction to Natha Yoga" A.K. Banerjee writes: "One should strengthen the belief that the world is divine and that every action is guided by divine will. One should clearly feel the majestic presence of Godhead within the heart, and in all manifestations of the cosmic system, and develop a sense of unreserved surrender to God. The worshiper should offer his self and all that is ''mine'' to God and think of himself and his personal possessions as belonging to the Supreme Lord."

In the Nath Sampradaya, Ishvara-pujana is primarily understood as worship of Shiva (Gorakshanath), i.e., the Ishta-devata of this spiritual tradition.
