
Raja-yoga samadhi

Raja-yoga samadhi

राजयोग-समाधि, rājayoga-samādhi

Raja-yoga samadhi is a form of samadhi achieved through the practice with consciousness (raja-yoga). There are two categories – samprajnata-samadhi and asamprajnata-samadhi, which are divided into stages:

  • Savitarka
  • Nirvitarka
  • Savichara
  • Nirvichara
  • Savanda
  • Samshita

In asamprajnata (nir-bija) samadhi, all samskaras are burned and kaivalya moksha is attained.

7.16. Practicing Manomurchha Kumbhaka (fainting state), unite Manas with Atman. By this union you will achieve Raja Yoga Samadhi.

7.17. Oh Chanda! I have informed you about Samadhi leading to liberation. Raja-yoga-samadhi, Unmani (thoughtlessness), Sahajavastha (natural state) are synonyms, meaning the unity of Manas with Atman.

7.18. Vishnu in the water, Vishnu in the earth, Vishnu in the tops of the mountains.
The Omnipresent is in the whirlwind of volcanic fire and in the flame. The whole world is filled with Vishnu.

7.19. All beings that move on earth or in the air (trees, bushes, creepers, roots, grasses, seas, and mountain ranges) – know it: in all this is Brahman. And find all this in the Atman.

7.20. The Atman residing in the body is the absolute consciousness (Chaitanya). In it, which is the highest, there are no moments; it is eternal. He who knows its (Atman’s) separation from the body will be free from suffering and passions.

7.21. Samadhi is inaccessible to any suffering. Free from attachment to one's body, one's son, one's wife, one's friends, one's wealth – existing free from everything – [a yogin] attains the fullness of Samadhi.

7.22. Shiva proclaimed many truths – such as the immortality of dissolution (Laya-Amrita) and others. One of [these truths] leading to salvation I have given you briefly.

7.23. So, O Chanda, I have told you about the elusive high Samadhi. Whoever knows this will never be born again in this world.

"Gheranda Samhita"
