


अनाद्य, anādya

Anadya means "having no beginning", "existing in eternity". It is a transcendent reality that is always present.

In the scriptures, Shiva is spoken of as adya (original) and anadya (having neither a cause to create him nor a completion).

According to Gorakshanath’s teaching, everything manifested and unmanifested and what connects them is Shiva. The Nathas call Absolute "Alakh Niranjan" (transcendent, unmanifested to habitual perception). The Universe is created in the process of revealing the creative power of the Absolute – Shakti. She consistently appears in the form of structures shaping the body of the Absolute, in which He always resides. These structures are: para-pinda, anadya-pinda, adya-pinda, maha-sakara-pinda and prakriti-pinda. Anadya-pinda is similar to para-pinda, it has the qualities of purity, emptiness, unity, the Supreme Spirit appears here as Paramatman.
