
Alakh Niranjan

Alakh Niranjan

Alakh Niranjan

अलख निरंजन, alakh niranjan

The term "alakh" comes fr om a-lakṣ, wh ere lakṣ/lakṣa (Sanskrit लक्ष, lakṣa) means "purpose, designation, symbol" and with the negation a it gives us "that which is beyond any symbols."

Therefore "alakh" is something that is not denoted by anything, that is beyond all our desires, beyond all definitions. It cannot be perceived by the limited senses and the mind, and conected the perception without identification, without evaluation, without intellect.

The term "nirañjana" means "unstained", "purest". Derived from nir (negation) and añjana (Sanskrit अञ्जन – stain, blackness, something that stains, or soiled).

Nathas call the Absolute "Alakh Niranjan" (transcendent and inaccessible to ordinary perception). The Universe is created as a result of the disclosure of the creative energy of the Absolute. This energy is called Shakti, it is identical to Shiva himself. Shakti unfolds into diversity, which always will be inside this incomprehensible reality of the Absolute , at whatever stage of disclosure it is.

In “Siddha-siddhanta Paddhati” it is said”:

The nameless [Absolute] is Self-existing, Beginningless and Perfect, the One, [in which] [existence] of place and [time] ceases. He is sung in Siddhas’ tradition – in “Siddha Siddhanta”. His Shakti (Nija-shakti), following His will, [manifesting Herself] as dharma and adharma, is glorified. [1.4]

For Nathas, Alakh Niranjan is the main lakshya (goal), which is beyond everything, the Supreme emptiness, the purest, the space of Prakasha, Gorakshanath (the transcendental form of Shiva). They aspire to realize this transcendent comprehending of the Supreme (Alakh Vijnana).
