
Dvaita-advaita vilakshana

Dvaita-advaita vilakshana

द्वैताद्वैत विलक्षण, dvaitādvaita vilakṣaṇa

also द्वैताद्वैत विवर्जित (बिबर्जित, विबर्जित), dvaitādvaita vivarjita (bibarjita, vibarjita)

also शून्याशून्य विलक्षण , śūnyāśūnya vilakṣaṇa

Literally "beyond duality and non-duality". The teaching or worldview characteristic of Nath Tradition, avoiding the extremes of dvaita and advaita systems, as well as their most diverse varieties of vishishtadvaita, shuddha-advaita, shakti-vishishtadvaita, advaita-dvaita, etc.

This is a view of the nature of Reality based on the transcendental mystical experience of Siddha-Yogis, in which both duality and non-duality are present at the same time.

This transcendental Reality, which includes everything – fullness and emptiness, manifested and unmanifested – is personified by the ideal and the original Guru of Natha Sampradaya – Mahayogi Guru Gorakshanath.
