
Brahman — Buddha

Awe, world soul, God-Creator; Highest varna in Indian society.  → Подробнее...
the scriptures of Hinduism, part of the shruti literature. They represent commentaries on Vedas explaining Vedic rituals.  → Подробнее...

Brahma’s Egg.

Brahmanda is Brahma’s Universe, which arose from the Cosmic Egg floating in the Causal Ocean.

It is also named as Hiranyagarbha.

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One of the eighteen major Puranas (called «Mahapuranas»). The name of this Purana comes from its description of brahmanda, the «Cosmic Egg» of Brahma, from which the Universe was formed.  → Подробнее...
A stage in the development of religious mindset of ancient India, following the Vedic religion and preceding Hinduism.  In its main features, Brahmanism formed in the period approximately from the VIII to the II centuries BC in the area between two rivers — Jamna and Ganga, as a result of Vedic religion of Aryans and local cults interaction.  → Подробнее...

chakra, the opening of Brahma, is located in the area of ​​the fontanel bone on the crown of the head

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A Buddhist practice consisting of four parts — four brahmaviharas.  → Подробнее...
  • Brahma's female hypostasis, his Shakti (creative force), spouse. 
  • The ancient Indian syllabic writing.
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Brihaspati Brihaspati

Guru or Jupiter, one of the Navagrahas: the strongest naturally beneficial planet, sattvic in character. Brihaspati is Guru of Devas (deities), the deity of prayers and sacrifices in Vedism, 11 hymns of Rig Veda are dedicated to him.

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  • a principle of enlightened (primary) state of mind
  • the name of Buddha Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha, Siddhartha)
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