
Brahma — Brahmaloka

Brahma Brahma

Supreme Deity, Creator

The first Deity of Hindu trinity (trimurti), responsible for creation of the world. 

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Feeding Brahmins. Final part of purashcharana process. By satisfying brahmins with delicious food, one can correct many mistakes or shortcomings that could have been committed through unawareness or ignorance in the purashcharana process. The number of invited brahmins is defined as 1/10 of the number of accomplished marjanas.  → Подробнее...

The gate of Brahman is at top of head; passing through it, Kundalini connects with Brahman, or Shiva.

Often identified with brahmarandhra.

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«Brahma Period»

The penultimate, fourteenth muhurta of the dark half of day. This period of time is considered especially favorable for spiritual practice.

According to Ayurveda, a healthy person should wake up no later than two muhurts before sunrise, at 4:30am, provided that day and night are equal (which is true for the tropical latitudes of Southern India). Depending on the geographical latitude of a place, as well as time of year, sunrise time varies. 

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Brahma-nadi is the most subtle channel through which the awakened Kundalini rises from muladhara chakra to sahasrara chakra; all chakras are located in it. It is located inside chitra-nadi (associated with moon), which passes inside vajra-nadi (associated with sun), and that in turn is located in sushumna-nadi (fire).  → Подробнее...
one of the most important scriptures of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, which is attributed to the Agamas   → Подробнее...

A brahmacharin is one who follows brahmacharya, one of the parts of yama that includes chastity.

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brahma – «Spirit, Absolute»; carya – «behavior, lifestyle, piety»

  • One of the parts that constitute yama (a stage in Yoga), chastity.
  • The initial ashram in one's life who has entered the path of apprenticeship.
  • Literally means following God in all of one’s actions. 
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a knot of tattvas and energies associated with self-identification with the material world of names and forms. It is located in the area of muladhara chakra. A person who has not untied this knot is bound to the material, he craves wealth, position in society, etc.  → Подробнее...

A partial synonym of «satyaloka».

  • Brahma's loka; 
  • Brahman's loka (the state of identity with the Supreme); 
  • the tripartite world, a description of which can be found, for example, in Vyasa's comments on «Yoga Sutras» Patanjali.
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