


आरोहण, ārohaṇa

Arohan (arohana) is the ascending stream or rising path of Kundalini-shakti. Sometimes referred to as arohan-shakti.

In sadhana, Kundalini can manifest herself in the form of uplifting of energy, as well as dissenting energy – avarohan.

Sacred texts conventionally distinguish the "upper" and "lower" Kundalini. Avaroha, which is upper Kundalini, is possible by the grace of Deity and Guru. Sadhaka, whose mind is open to the Supreme, experiences peace and inner balance from the energy descending on him. This downward grace can awaken the "lower" Kundalini.

According to the traditional sources of tantra and yoga, Kundalini as an energy moving "from below" is localized in kanda or muladhara, from where she originates during ascent. For an ordinary person, this power is in a latent state, hiding the entire energy potential of our being, the microcosm. The awakening of the "lower" energy occurs as a result of a conscious attitude towards our body and prana. The development of this quality is devoted to the practice of hatha-yoga, especially pranayama, mudras, and bandhas. If the body is unhealthy, not clean, then it cannot become one with Maha-Shakti.

One should worship the Goddess (the awakened Kundalini-shakti), who bestows auspiciousness, like a flash of lightning, [the Goddess] whose body is saturated with spiritual nectar, traveling from her own dwelling (in muladhara) to the residence of her beloved Shiva (in sahasrara) and causing lotuses to blossom on the path of sushumna.

Rudrayamala Tantra
