


व्योम, vyoma

"sky", "space", "ether"

The synonym of akasha.

The practices with vyomas described by Gorakshanath in Siddha-siddhanta Paddhati are intended to concentrate the mind and contemplation, the purpose of which is to comprehend Emptiness and Atman. These practices can be attributed to madhyama-lakshya, through which the experience of the unity of the internal and external spheres is realized.

In the book of Anuja Pratap Singh “Gorakshanath and Natha-Siddhi” it is said that vyomas are atma-svarupa (like Atman). Atman is an eternal soul that is beyond any definition. We comprehend it in a state of turya (samadhi), but since it is difficult for the Atman to give any characteristics in connection with its transcendence, it is recommended to meditate on his likeness, which are akashas. In tantric texts, vyomas are presented in different numbers and some of them correspond to chakras or different elements of dvadashanta. The description of practices of five akashas is found in a number of Hindi books, for example, Chandar Mohan in “The Sacrament of Kundalini-mahashakti” describes akashas as various experiences of light with different color tones: white, red, smoky, bluish, similar to the light of the moon and sun. Most likely this is why akasha practices are also called Taraka Yoga.

Vyoma is essentially one, but for the convenience and effectiveness of meditation, it is represented in five special ways and called by five different names:

Focusing on emptiness is an effective method for purifying and refining empirical consciousness and freeing it from vibrations, anxieties, and dependence on space-time constraints.

Vyomas begin to be perceived during the practice of pranayama, usually at a level between parichaya and nishpatti. The state of prana is associated with chitta and the perception of its space. Vyomas open up when prana reaches a certain level of vibration.

The practice of meditation on different categories of sound and light awakens Kundalini-shakti and helps to gain the experience of the five akashas.

Information on vyomas is mentioned in a number of texts of Natha-sampradaya, Advaita and Tantrism. For example, in the “Siddha-siddhanta Paddhati”, “Advaya-taraka-upanishada”, “Brahmana-mandala”, “Netra-tantra”, “Dikshottara-tantra”, “Manthana-bhairava-tantra” and others. All descriptions of these spaces and meditation on them are in many ways similar, but in some texts special details are given.

