
Vada — Vyoma

A powerful underwater fire located deep in the causal ocean. The word vāḍava also means "horse", so it is sometimes said to be a fire in the shape of a horse's head, or fire "coming from a mare". This fire is believed to be so powerful that it participates in the Mahapralaya, the Great Dissolution of the Universe, by consuming it and providing energy for the next cycle of creation.  → Подробнее...

mantras of Vedic period 

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Vaikhari vac

the usual "sound" speech, the roughest form of manifestation of the original sound – Shabda-Brahman

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higher abode of Vishnu

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The panth, founded by Bhartrihari, a prince from Ujjain.  → Подробнее...
Detachment, emotionlessness, lack of desire to objects of pleasure.  → Подробнее...
one of the six main views of Hinduism  → Подробнее...

The Vaisheshika Sutras (another name is the “Kanada Sutras”) are the main collection of aphorisms (sutras) of the orthodox philosophical school (darshanas) of the Vaisheshika. The books in the collection explain in detail and classify the fundamental modifications of the universe, as well as their various categories – padartha. The authorship of the Sutras is traditionally attributed to the sage Kanada, who was also called Kanabhuj, which means “Devouring grains (atoms),” emphasizing the atomistic feature of his worldview.

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Shakti of Vishnu;

a woman who worships Vishnu or Krishna.

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Varna in Indian society: owners, traders, bankers, all those who live on income from trade and agriculture.  → Подробнее...
Mantra or prayer, ending with a sacrifice.
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«diamond, lightning». Indra's weapons in battles with asuras, a symbol of hardness and powerful force.  → Подробнее...
«vajra» is a diamond, «danda» is a stick. A diamond staff or a scepter. In Hindu texts — the scepter of Indra, the symbol of possession of siddhis (superhuman powers).  → Подробнее...
A pose of a diamond.  → Подробнее...
Vajrayana – ("Diamond Chariot", "Vajra Chariot", "Vajra Path", "Chariot of the Secret Mantra", Tantrayana) is a tantric direction in Buddhism that arose within the Mahayana tradition around the 3rd-5th centuries AD.  → Подробнее...

Vajroli-mudra at the physical level is executed by a contraction of the muscles surrounding the bladder and concentration on the fourth adhara – medhradhara. Helps to control apana and redirect it from the senses to the sushumna.

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Vara (वर) – welfare, mercy, good. Vara-mudra (varada-mudra) – a gesture symbolizing the gift of grace: an open palm with the fingers down.

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desire, inclination  → Подробнее...

Vashikarana – submission of the will of a living being.

The power of vishuddha-chakra.

One of the shat-karmas.

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God of Wind, space, source and lord of life force; protector (lokapala) of the northwestern part of the world; one of the five Mahabhutas, namely Air  → Подробнее...

"Vayu Purana" Included in some lists of the 18 Mahapuranas, it contains 24,000 shlokas (but only 12,000 have reached us). It is mentioned in many texts including the "Mahabharata" and is considered one of the oldest Puranas. It has been edited over the centuries and has come down to us in various versions. The first editions date back to the 4th century AD.

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Vayu-tattva – air, one of the five primary elements of the Mahabhutas.  → Подробнее...
knowledge, revelation, scriptures  → Подробнее...
Vedanta Sutras
fundamental text of Vedanta philosophy, the author of which is traditionally considered to be the ancient Indian thinker Badarayan  → Подробнее...

“supreme perfection”, “puissance”, “power” 

Sacred ashes obtained either from the sifted ashes left after the homa ritual, or prepared by burning dried cow dung with the addition of milk, honey, ghee and some aromatic substances, followed by consecration in the puja ritual.

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"destruction of friendship", "sowing discord among people"

The power of manipura-chakra.

One of the shat-karmas.

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"diversity", "difference in perception";

"a thought form" or "fantasy".

These are thought-constructions, they are not something negative, they are part of our highest nature, a manifestation of Jnana-shakti. But the divine Shakti is dual, it is both a means of salvation and something that can create illusions for the ignorants. Illusions often manifest themselves in the form of mind (vikalpas). Yogi must overcome the illusory influence of the mind, focusing on the unmanifested and non-dual state.

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a guide to the realization of the mantra as a whole  → Подробнее...

One of the yogic mudras giving siddhi. In this position, the body of the sun and the moon change places, that is, the solar sphere (the lower abdomen) is at the top, and the lunar sphere (the head region) is at the bottom.

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one of the largest traditions of Hinduism, which has absorbed a large number of directions and schools that worship Lord Vishnu as the supreme deity, as well as his numerous incarnations, such as Krishna, Rama, Narasimha  → Подробнее...

chakra located in the throat area; it is also called Kantha-chakra.

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Vyana-mudra is connected with vyana-vayu. Technique: the little finger and index finger are straightened, the middle and ring fingers touching the thumb.

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One of the main vayus functioning in the human body. Governs physical activity of a person, nourishes all nervous and muscle tissues and also vascular system of the body.  → Подробнее...
