
A-KA-THA — Ayudha


A-KA-THA is the triangle in the Guru Chakra, in which the entire creation is enclosed, symbolically it represents the Shabda-Brahman with its energies. It is also called Kama-kala.

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"reflection", "likeness"

The way in which Shiva creates the world and its inhabitants from Himself.  The doctrine of emanation is a central concept of the monistic schools (especially Kashmir Shaivism).

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«Fearlessness». One of the main virtues. Also, the name of the corresponding hasta-mudra (hand position) is the «gesture of fearlessness», abhaya-mudra, in which the fingers of the right hand are raised upward, and the palm facing forward.

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An intention to remove external destructive influences.Here, as a rule, 6 magical actions of the shat-karma are included: Shantikarana, Vashikarana, Stambhana, Vidvesana, Uchchatana, Marana.

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Abhijit Muhurta

The eighth muhurta of the light half of the day, divided in half by the true (astronomical) noon. It is believed that Abhijit-muhurta is able to neutralize, at least partially, unfavorable astrological factors – doshas – one can say that it has a cleansing, pure nature.

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Abhinavagupta (end of 10th - the beginning of the 11th century) is an Indian religious philosopher, poet, mystic and author of works on aesthetics.

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Will to possess or strong desire to retain something; manifestation of attachment to life and the fear of death.

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Abhisheka («ablution», «purification») is a Sanskrit term, which in Hinduism and other Indian religions call the ritual ablution and ablation of the murti.

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Steady, continuous effort to achieve the goals of yoga and realization of Brahman.

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Ritual cleansing of the body before performing puja, reading sacred texts, eating, and also after uttering bad words.   → Подробнее...

from the lat. adeptus – the one who reached

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Adesh is the word with which Natha yogis greet each other and can be literally translated as "will", "order", "instruction".
Adesh as a designation of unity and interconnection of Atma, Jivatma, and Paramatma.
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Adhara Adhara

special areas (points) on the human body, which are considered by Naths as areas of transformation of prana and support for attention

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 all thoughts, words and deeds that are contrary to dharma

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one of the three categories of mundane suffering; harm caused by other living beings  → Подробнее...
one of the three categories of mundane suffering; includes obstacles, calamities and suffering from deities or spirits  → Подробнее...

the degree of spiritual competence of the student, which allows him or her to study spiritual discipline

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one of the three categories of mundane suffering; associated with the body and psyche of a human  → Подробнее...

Shiva Adinath is the first Guru, the source of all knowledge of yoga and tantra

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Epithet of the Mother Goddess, the primordial divine Power, the highest aspect of Shakti, non-different from Parabrahman. She who creates, maintains and destroys Universes; the power of illusion and the power of knowledge. She has many names – Para-shakti, Kundalini, Parvati, Lalita Tripura Sundari, Durga, Kali and many others. Any form of the Goddess is Her manifestation.

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Aditya Aditya

Adityas (plural) are Vedic deities mentioned in the Rigveda, descendants of the goddess Aditi, who personifies infinity. The Mahabharata and Puranas state that the father of the Adityas was the sage Kashyapa.

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the concept of Indian philosophy, mainly of school Vaisheshika, indicating the causes of natural and moral-psychological phenomena, inexplicable in the light of the observed factors (drishta)  → Подробнее...

the most popular type of Vedanta

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One of the levels of manifestation within the eternal transcendental body of Absolute Spirit, Para-Pinda. It is characterized by supreme bliss, awakening of consciousness and experience of the state of identity "He is I", in which Shiva experiences the Universe manifesting from Him as Himself.   → Подробнее...

collections of revelations that have come from Lord Shiva

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famous Vedic rishis and saint

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an ascetic Shivaite spiritual tradition

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Aghora Shiva

southern face of Shiva manifested in the image of Panchabrahma (Panchamukha)

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follower of the tradition of Aghora

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God of fire or different manifestations of the element of fire

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the Kundalini movement through the chakras

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Agnichayana Agnichayana
literally "foldment the Agni’s altar", also called Atiratra-agnichayana. This is one of the most complex and lengthy śrauta rituals, usually taking twelve days.  → Подробнее...

daily Vedic ritual of sacrificing to fire

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intensive practices of kindling an internal fire

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Yogic mudra, associated with the organ of perception - ears, and accordingly with the element of the ether, with sound. In fact, it is the practice of working with nada, revealing the sound of anahata-nada and immersion into it.

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self, ego, the idea of ​​separateness of being, the feeling of "I" as a separate personality  → Подробнее...
Harmlessness to all creatures, not only by actions, but also by thoughts and speech. Avoiding anger towards someone.  → Подробнее...
Ahuti in a Vedic sacrifice (yajna) is the pouring of ghee into the fire and the offering of other sacrificial substances (samagri) such as milk, honey, fruits, rice, sesame.   → Подробнее...
The founder of this line was a woman-yogi named Vimala Devi (Vimalanath).  → Подробнее...

“strength”, “power”, “might”, as well as “the power of self-control”, 
sometimes denotes supernatural powers (siddhis)

The opposite of aishvarya is anaishvarya.

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Aja Ekapada Aja Ekapada

Aja Ekapada is name of one of the 11 Rudras and the controlling Deity of nakshatra Purvabhadrapada.

The general meaning of the name Aja Ekapada in the Vedas indicates something single, penetrating the universe, connecting and supporting it, which is especially consistent with the literal translation – "The One Unborn".
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spontaneous, natural repetition of mantra

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the spontaneous natural repetition of the mantra "So Ham"

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the theory of non-causality advanced by Shri Gaudapadacharya

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Ajnya, Ajna (Sanskrit ajna, lit. "order, command, will", also means "to know, notice, hear, recognize"). Sometimes it is called "bhrumadhya-chakra".

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“nescience”, “ignorance”. Ignorance is associated with the feeling of duality (dvaita-pratha) when we think that one thing is different from the other. It is often used as a synonym for avidya.

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Akalpita literally translates as "non-artificial", "genuine", "natural", as well as "unlimited", "formless".

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“permanent siddhis”

They are possessed by beings who have achieved liberation, there were many such achievers in Nath’s and other traditions. Akalpita-siddhi can only be realized by one who has become a true disciple and adept in yoga. Akalpita-siddhis can also be possessed by a person who practiced in past incarnations and in this one was already born as a perfect being, which is immediately visible during his incarnation.

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“ether”, “space”, one of the five great elements (mahabhuta). The main characteristic of akasha is śabda (sound), and it is associated with the primordial sound – nāda. Akasha is also translated as voidness or emptiness and is synonymous with vyoma.

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Akasha-Bhairava is a form of Bhairava associated with space, heaven.  This Bhairava is called "God of sky", and sometimes associated with Indra, the patron of heaven.  The veneration of Akasha-Bhairava is widespread in Nepal, especially in Kathmandu, where there are several large temples dedicated to him.

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"Akhanda" is translated as "limitless", "whole", "not fragmented"; and "natha" or "nath" is one of Shiva’s names, and often indicates a siddha-yogi who follows Nathas’ teaching.  → Подробнее...

"indestructible", from अ, a – “not” and क्षर्, kṣar – “fragile”, “perishable”

The epithet is found in the hymns (sahasranamas) of many Deities.

In Sanskrit linguistics, a unit is distinguished in the flow of speech, consisting of a vowel and a group of consonants preceding it (a vowel can also be without a consonant).

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“whole”, “undivided”

Whole, uncooked grains of rice (or other grains), usually mixed with turmeric, used as an offering during a puja or to bless someone (for example, at marriages and other ceremonies). It is considered one of the best types of food and offerings to the gods.

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unmanifested, transcendental reality, identical to the transcendent being, which is called Nirguna Shiva, Nirguna Brahman, Alakh Niranjan, etc.
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"compression", "reduction", "bend" 

Akunchana is most often mentioned in the texts of hatha-yoga when describing the technique of performing mudras, bandhas and other actions, for example, ashvini-mudra or agnisara-kriya, where akunchana is muscle contraction, and prasarana is muscle relaxation, unclenching.

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“perception without identification, without judgment, without intelligence”, “to be awakened”

Alakh means that which cannot be perceived by limited senses and mind.

"A-Lakshya" or "Alakh" also means the Absolute, which has no designation, symbols, comprehended in an unsupported state. That which cannot be perceived without abandoning the ego. Therefore, in such a state there is nothing artificial, and it is pure (Niranjana).

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Alakh Niranjan Alakh Niranjan

Nathas call the Absolute "Alakh Niranjan" (transcendent and inaccessible to ordinary perception). The Universe is created as a result of the disclosure of the creative energy of the Absolute. This energy is called Shakti, it is identical to Shiva himself. Shakti unfolds into diversity, which always, at whatever stage of disclosure it is, will be inside this incomprehensible reality of the Absolute.

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one of the seven secondary energy channels of human body  → Подробнее...
Amantraka (or vimantraka) is pranayama that is performed without mantra recitation. Pranayama with mantra recitation is called samantraka.  → Подробнее...
There are two variations of this practice amaroli (amarolī-kriyā, amarolī-mudrā):
  • the first comes from the Kapalikas’ tradition and means using the middle part of the jet of one's own urine for ingestion or rubbing into the body.

  • the second option is identical to Vajroli-kriya, it consists in retracting (or raising) the seminal fluid upwards at the end of sexual intercourse. However, the description should not be taken literally here – it is about controlling apana (and bindu – the seed in a subtle form) and raising it up, which implies the transformation of sexual energy into ojas.

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“new moon”, amavasya is the 30th lunar tithi, considered auspicious for ancestor veneration, fasting and spiritual practices and unfavorable for everything else, this day is often a day off for Hindus.  → Подробнее...

"Mother", the name of Mother Goddess.

Supreme Mother, descended from the sacrificial hearth, blazing with the fire of the Greatest Consciousness (Chit), adorned with the Sun and the Moon.

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(Indian gooseberry)

healing plant, known for its wide use in Indian traditional medicine.

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“flow”, “tradition”, Amnaya is a tantric line, as well as sacred texts related to this line.

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the nectar of immortality  → Подробнее...

The famous Guru and saint in the Natha Tradition (1852-1945). 

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Anadhikari can be translated as "unfit for initiation and practice." This is a practitioner who, due to his inattention, distorted understanding of teachings or arrogance, may not be ready to fully study with Guru.  → Подробнее...
One of the levels of manifestation within the eternal transcendental body of the Absolute Spirit, Para-pinda. At this stage, Para-shakti arises, the inner unmanifested Power, the desire (unmukhatva) for the self-manifestation of Shiva's Will. Shakti does not exist "as Shiva" but "in Shiva", although there is no discernible movement or activity yet. Anadya-pinda is practically indistinguishable from Para-pinda, it has such qualities as spotlessness, emptiness, immobility, supportlessness, the Supreme and Absolute Spirit appears here as Paramatman.  → Подробнее...

"having no beginning", "existing in eternity". It is a transcendent reality that is always present.

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chakra located in the heart, it is "sparkling like praval (coral)"

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Anahata-nada (anahata-shabda) is a non-percussive sound heard in the anahata-chakra.  → Подробнее...

“lack of control”, “lack of power”, “superiority”

It is the opposite of aishvarya.

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Anama literally means "nameless". For Shaivites, in particular for Nathas, this is the epithet of the Absolute – Nirguna Shiva, transcendent to any limited qualities, forms and names (anama).  → Подробнее...

“bliss”, spiritual ecstasy of unity with divine consciousness, pure joy of spiritual experience. One of the essential qualities of Atman.

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Ananda-shakti (hladini-shakti) is the Energy of Bliss (the energy of contentment through which God resides in complete boundless harmony):

  • one of manifestation aspects of the energy of Absolute, where the energy non-different from the Absolute (“sat-chit-ananda”);

  • causes the appearance of two elements: buddhi and ahamkara, the elements of mind and ego.

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Anandamaya kosha
The fifth of the sheaths (koshas) – the body of bliss, the causal body (karana-sharira), containing all potential abilities and evolving through all incarnations of the individual.  → Подробнее...
Ananta-shesha Ananta-shesha
Ananta-shesha or Adi-shesha is the great thousand-headed serpent, naga, on which Vishnu rests, Ananta-Shayana (“he who sleeps on Ananta”). The thousand hoods of Ananta are the foundation, the support of the World. Adishesa represents That original which existed before the beginning of time, and That which remains even during periods of divine rest.  → Подробнее...
Buddhist teaching that denies the concept of Atman or soul, as the immutability (substantiality) of the highest Self in a person.  → Подробнее...

The source of ignorance a sense of separation from Shiva, of individuality giving the rise to duality. One of three fetters (pāśa) or contaminations (malas) in Shivaism.

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"the path of the individual", in Kashmiri Shaivism philosophy, it means all forms of ritual and yogic practice, in which the main role is played by the efforts of the individual oneself. Anava-upaya – the lowest type of sadhana, correlates with kriya-yoga and is based on external aids and rituals. Next come shakta-upaya, shambhava-upaya and anupaya.

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Anda is translated as "egg" or "seed", in scriptures of Hinduism it acts as an epithet of the Universe – Brahmanda.

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“part”, “step or fragment”, “addition of something”. For example, a body part or additional supporting texts of Vedic canon (Vedanga).

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nyasa of the parts of the body  → Подробнее...

“small”, often referred to in yoga texts as one of the eight siddhis – the ability to reduce the body and any other objects to an arbitrarily small size (anima-siddhi).

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"gesture of palms joined in reverence", a gesture expressing respect, supplication or request, as well as a greeting in which the palms are folded together and the fingers are turned upwards. 

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Ankusha means "dagger", and ankusha-mudra is reminiscent of discipline, about the direction on the spiritual path. In rituals, this mudra is often used to invoke sacred rivers into water, meaning to consecrate water.

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Annamaya kosha

The physical body, that consists of food. The densest of Atman sheaths, also called sthula-sharira (gross body).

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Annapurna Annapurna
The Goddess of food. The Goddess nourishes not only the body, but also the soul in the form of enlightenment, which is why Varanasi is also called the city of light. Devi gives us the energy to achieve knowledge.  → Подробнее...
unity of mental abilities  → Подробнее...
Internal (antar) retention of breath, that is, after inhalation, when air and prana remain "inside" the body.   → Подробнее...
an internal object in itself, is used to direct attention, concentration  → Подробнее...
inner nyasa in which one directs consciousness through different parts of the body, tracking our sensations  → Подробнее...
Antar-yajna is an internal sacrifice (ritual), worshipin of the deity within oneself, which leads to the opening of internal energy  → Подробнее...

“heavenly, airy or outer space”, “middle space”, “sky”, “atmosphere”, “maharloka”

Intermediate place of inhabitation. In Vedas, antariksha is the middle or second of three lokas (realms), which are usually listed as bhur, bhuvar and svar

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Antriya-khechari is an essential part of the practice known in hatha-yoga and tantra as khechari-mudra. Antria comes from Skt. "antra" (अन्त्र) – "internal", that is, it is internal khechari.

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"atom", "elementary particle", "the smallest unit of time", and also "individual soul"  → Подробнее...

“perception”, “direct experience”, “spiritual experience”

Personal experiences or impressions that do not come from a person's memory. Own realization of any knowledge.

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mercy descending from above  → Подробнее...
Anuloma-viloma Anuloma-viloma
alternating breathing without retention  → Подробнее...
The highest trick, a method without a method, when sadhaka knows that he is Shiva, and this does not need confirmation through methods. The highest upaya in Kashmiri Shaivism,  → Подробнее...
practice of religious discipline  → Подробнее...
In Sanskrit and a number of Indian languages, the diacritical mark ं denotes a nasal overtone at the end of a vowel or nasalization of a vowel.  → Подробнее...

"immature", "unprepared", "uncooked", in yogic literature, “apakva” is usually used in a figurative sense: an unprepared, immature sadhaka. 

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one of the ten vital winds (vayu)  → Подробнее...

Apana-mudra is connected with apana-vayu. Technique: the ring finger and little finger are straightened, the index and middle fingers touching the thumb.

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One of the ten vital winds (vayu). The air moving down or the expulsion of air.  → Подробнее...
“limited”, “immanent”. It is usually considered together with the opposite term parā (“supreme”, “beyond the ordinary”).  → Подробнее...
one of the levels of disclosure of the Universe, following Para-Shakti. Apara-shakti arises due to spanda, the internal movement or vibration of Shiva’s creative Will.  → Подробнее...
an insult to the Deities or Gurus, teachings, sacred texts or places. Committing aparadhas, especially to the Guru, leads to spiritual downfall.   → Подробнее...
 “non-possession”, renouncing of any possession besides the necessary utensils of ascetics  → Подробнее...

"invisible", "perceptible", "perceived" – aparoksha is direct intuitive knowledge that transcends human experience.

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"coming not from a man"; apaurusheya is a term denoting the original and unconditional sacredness of the nature of Vedic texts, as having no specific authorship. 

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“semi-divine beings”, “heavenly nymphs and dancers”  → Подробнее...

"forest [books]", the sacred scriptures of Hinduism belong to the category of revealed shruti scriptures and are part of the Vedas. The Aranyakas explain various complex Vedic sacrifices (yajnas) and the rules for performing rituals. 

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An offering of a flame to a deity (burning camphor). Usually it is performed at the end of puja or homa. Arati brings blessing after performing puja. Nathas perform it in the temples every morning and evening. It is considered that Arati and puja on mangala (Tuesday) and on ravivar (Sunday) bring good luck to everyone who took part in the ritual.   → Подробнее...


The process of worshiping the image (murti) or symbol of the Deity, in which flowers, leaves, grains are sacrificed, sprinklings are performed, etc. actions with simultaneous repetition of mantras (usually 108 or more names of the Deity).

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Ardhanarishvara Ardhanarishvara

"The Lord is half female." Lord Shiva in androgynous form, Whose body is male on the right side and female on the left.

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"Honorary water", one of the offerings to a guest or Deity. 

Metal container for offering water, made in the form of a "boat".

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In Buddhism, the highest level that a follower of the Buddha can reach. This is a person who has entered the path of liberation and has completely passed the four stages of transformation (arya-puggala)  → Подробнее...

“straight”, “unbent”; “simplicity”, “honesty”, “sincerity”

Simplicity of life, it is understood that there should be no artificiality, duplicity, insincerity in behavior. One of the virtues that needs to be cultivated.

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Arjuna is one of the main characters of the epic “Mahabharata”: an epic about the confrontation between Kaurava clan and Pandavas. Both clans are cousins to each other, going back to Rishi Vyasa and further back to the Lunar Dynasty.

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the ascending stream or rising path of Kundalini-shakti  → Подробнее...

"purpose", "aspiration"; "thing" or "object" (including object of senses); "welfare", "wealth".

Artha in Hinduism is material well-being, one of the four goals of human life (together they are called "purushartha" or "chaturvarga").

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"Lord of Mount Arunachala"; one of Shiva’s aspects, especially revered in South India.  → Подробнее...
the star constellation of Ursa Major (Great Bear), which is not visible to the naked eye  → Подробнее...
In the Pali Canon the levels of concentration are described that are above 4 ordinary dhyanas and are called supramundane achievements (later the name arupa – "formless", -dhyanas).  → Подробнее...
Arya-ashtanga-magga (Pali "Noble Eightfold Path") – the sum of views, actions and practices, consisting of 8 parts, proclaimed by Buddha Shakyamuni to save beings from suffering.  → Подробнее...
"noble person"; according to the Pali Canon, 4 types of noble personalities can be distinguished, they also correspond to the four levels of holiness that the student goes through on the path to enlightenment  → Подробнее...

Aryas are the ancient Indo-Europeans, the ancestors of the modern nations of the Indo-European linguistic community: the Indo-Aryas, Persians, Greeks, Germanic, Slavic and other nations related to them in language and blood.

Aryas are also ancestors of the upper castes of Indian society.

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a stable body position in which yogis can control prana, mind, and feelings  → Подробнее...
Asana (place)
underlay or mat made of natural material, which retains the energy accumulated during the practice  → Подробнее...
The meaning of the word goes back to the verb askeo (Greek), which in ancient culture meant skillful and diligent processing of rough material, decoration or home improvement, or an exercise that develops bodily and mental strength.  → Подробнее...

According to the philosophy of Kapalikas, Bhairava, being the cause of the creation of the universe, and then its dissolution, manifests itself in seven forms, and also in the eighth form as the eternal Samhara-Bhairava, which is Paramatman.

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The eight mystic perfections (siddhis) obtained by the person in the process of practice of yoga. Those perfections are: Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Garima, Prapti, Prakamya, Ishitva, Vashitva

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eight-part yoga, which includes:

  • Yama
  • Niyama
  • Asana
  • Pranayama
  • Pratyahara
  • Dharana
  • Dhyana
  • Samadhi
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Ashvini-mudra is performed by contraction of the muscles of the anus with simultaneous concentration of attention on this area. Affects apana, helps to redirect it, transform and then lead it into sushumna.

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from asmi meaning "I am";
one of the meanings —Egoism, an erroneous worldview caused by identifying oneself with the body, as a result of which the concept of thinking "I" and "mine" develops.
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non-stealing not only in action, but also in thoughts and desires. In other words, the freedom of the mind from base desires or inclination to appropriate any property of any being in any form. Pursuing profit in some improper way at the expense of others is seen as a form of theft. Such impulses must be eradicated.

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In Jainism, an ontological category that indicates extended substances (bodies with extension), and can also denote the combination of infinitely small particles of space. Only time cannot be attributed to astikaya, since it has no extension.

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faith in the Vedas, Gurus and all enlightened saints and sages of the past and future  → Подробнее...
Astra Astra
A very powerful, supernatural weapon created by some deity and imbued with its power. Also, the word can be used to refer to conventional weapons.  → Подробнее...
Asura Asura
Asuras are powerful beings living in the lower worlds and opposing in numerous battles the gods (devas) who live in Svargaloka, i.e. heavenly residence.   → Подробнее...
The fourth Veda, main content of which are magical mantras and spells.  → Подробнее...
The term is formed by adding the prefix ati ("beyond", "extraordinary / unusual") to the word indriya (“perceptual organ/faculty”, “sense”). This is something elusive, inaccessible to the senses, also: the highest feeling; that, which is beyond ordinary sensory perception. Sometimes this term is used to define Atman.   → Подробнее...
Ati as a prefix to a noun means "above", or "beyond"; Rudra – the angry hypostasis of Shiva, translated as "roaring", "terrifying". Atirudra is one of the names of Shiva, meaning "the highest Rudra."  → Подробнее...
a subtle aspect of the Shiva-lingam|lingam that everyone can feel in their own soul. Symbol of the formless, all-pervading self.
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"knowledge of one's Atman", "self-realization"  → Подробнее...

an individual soul, the spirit of a living being, the true "I", a particle of the Absolute consciousness in the body

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Aughar is an adherent of the Nath parampara, a yogi-ascetic. These are the sadhus who wear the ritual whistle (nadi) on the nadi janeu (black thread), this whistle used in Guru and Deity worship.

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the primary sound; the highest mantra, pranava  → Подробнее...

One who has discarded the conditioning of the world, in tantra - the analog of sannyasa. The Forsaken of the world is a sadhu, a saint.

invoke of Deity during puja

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It is used in tantric upasana during prana-pratistha to invite the Deity to attend worship.

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«Avakunthana» means «surrounding, embracing». Avakunthana-mudra is used for protection. Technique of execution: the index fingers of both hands are straightened, the rest of the fingers are bent into a fist; then the index finger of the right hand draws a circle clockwise, and then – the index finger of the left hand counter-clockwise.

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Avalambi, Satha. Those who seek to study the tradition and follow it are named this way.

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Fencing, veil or cover.

One of the properties of maya. Means imposition of the «veil» on the Reality or the veil that hides the true essence of Reality from living beings.


The flow of the descent (the descending path, the channel) of Kundalini Shakti.

three states of consciousness experienced by each person: jagrat, svapna, sushupti
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the embodiment of Deity on earth, in the body of mortal man

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Avatars of Ganesha Avatars of Ganesha

Ganesha-Gita (Ganesha Purana) says that each of the four Yugas corresponds to a certain avatara of Ganesha: the story of Mahotkata happened in Krita-yuga, Mayureshvara – in Treta-yuga, Gajanana – in Dvapara-yuga, and Dhumraketa – in Kali-yuga.

The Mudgala Purana outlines a more complete list of eight avatars: Vakratunda, Mahodara, Gajanana, Lambodara, Vikata, Vignaraja, Dhumravarna.

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descent of Deity into the body of a practicing tantric during the tantric sadhana

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the last of the hells, the lowest world, where the most sinful sinners are reborn

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ignorance, a false understanding of the nature of reality

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unmanifested, indescribable

Ayudha Ayudha
Ayudha is usually translated as “weapon,” but in the shilpa-shastras (manuals for artists and architects) this term refers to any object in the hands of a murti. Ayudhas symbolize the nature, character, and functions of the deity.  → Подробнее...
